9 Ways To Naturally Combat The Cold And Flu


Are there natural ways to overcome the cold and flu each year? The answer is Yes!

Not only are there natural measures we can take to recover from a cold or flu virus, but there are even natural ways to prevent these cold-weather illnesses.

Below are 9 easy, yet efficient things to do to avoid and get over a cold or flu.

1. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

One of the best ways to naturally combat not only the cold and flu but many illnesses, in general, is to be watchful of what we put into our bodies. Eat an array of fruits and vegetables daily.

Fruits and veggies are packed with nutrients that will help our bodies to ward off the cold and flu, along with many sicknesses and diseases.

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2. Eat foods high in vitamin C.

Citrus fruits, kiwi, broccoli, and spinach are some of the fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin C. Consuming a large amount of vitamin C can alleviate and prevent cold and flu symptoms.

3. Take vitamin C supplements.

Taking raw vitamin C capsules is probably one of the best choices I’ve made, if not the best choice, during the cold seasons.

I’m currently taking Vitamin Code Raw Vitamin C Capsules and I believe this is one of the main things that has kept me from getting a cold-weather virus especially while being around and taking care of kids who have fallen victim to these sicknesses.

4. Drink smoothies.

Smoothies are another way to consume a huge amount of fruits and veggies at one time. Another great thing about drinking smoothies is you can personalize them with the fruits and/or vegetables you prefer.

This also means that you can add fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C to increase its virus-fighting abilities.

5. Take raw honey.

Honey is a great way to assist in relieving cold and flu symptoms. Raw honey can help soothe a cough, sore throat, and mucus build-up.

6. Stay warm in the cold weather.

When the weather is cold it’s important to dress in warm clothes to prevent your body from getting cold. Warmer body temperatures help to fight off cold and flu viruses more quickly.

Also, be sure to use the appropriate covers at night to keep from getting cold while you are asleep.

7. Keep your hands clean.

Shaking hands with a person who has a cold or flu virus or touching a surface that has been infected by it are some ways a virus can be passed on to another person.

Wash your hands properly often with natural disinfecting hand soap or natural germ-killing hand sanitizer. Always wash your hands before eating. Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth to prevent these viruses from entering your body.

8. Keep regularly touched surfaces sanitized.

Frequently disinfect surfaces that people often touch or come in contact with. Wipe down knobs and handles.

I would suggest making sure bathroom faucet handles are cleaned with natural disinfecting wipes or soap before and after washing your hands.

9. Stay the proper distance from those who have a cold or flu.

Avoid being close to those who have a cold and stay at least 6 feet away from people who have the flu.

I know it might be difficult to keep your distance when caring for a child who is ill. But, do your best to prevent those germs from transferring over to you.

These viruses may be transferred in the air through cough or sneeze droplets.

I know there are many more ways to naturally combat the cold or flu, but these are some of the simplest and most effective natural ways that I have used or currently use.

I hope you try some of these methods and they work for you as well!

What tips do you use to naturally fight off a cold or flu?










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