What Is Clean Beauty?


Clean beauty is considered a new movement by some because of its growing popularity. But, it’s really nothing new. Many of us have long been including natural habits into our lifestyle. It’s all about avoiding toxic chemicals in makeup and skincare products, and instead using more natural ingredients with fewer side effects. This may sound like just another fad to some, but it’s actually much more than that. Clean beauty can be a healthier alternative to traditional makeup and skincare products — especially if you’re worried about your skin or health concerns.

What is clean beauty?

Clean beauty is a movement to eliminate toxic chemicals from cosmetics. These products are free of synthetic fragrances, dyes and preservatives. They also don’t contain parabens, sulfates or phthalates (all of which are linked to negative health effects for humans).

Some of the reasons to avoid toxic chemicals in makeup

Some of the reasons to avoid toxic chemicals in makeup include:

  • They can cause health problems. Toxic chemicals can cause cancer, birth defects and skin problems. They also have been linked to respiratory issues, neurological disorders and reproductive problems among others.
  • You don’t need them! Some products claim that they’re “toxic free” because they contain only natural ingredients but this isn’t true if you look at what’s actually on your face! A lot of companies use synthetic ingredients instead of real ones like herbs or roots because it makes their products more affordable but this doesn’t mean they’re safer than traditional ones either (they might just be cheaper). There’s no reason why you should put any substance on your body unless it’s beneficial for your well-being – which means avoiding anything harmful rather than using something cheap just because it costs less money!

Tips when clean skincare shopping

Clean skincare products can be a great way to start better care of our skin’s health, but there are some things you need to know before you buy.

First, find a product that’s clean and safe for your skin. You should look for ingredients that have been used in countless studies and with no harmful side effects. Some good examples include coconut oil (a natural antibacterial), grapefruit seed extract (a natural antiseptic), green tea leaf extract (an antioxidant), and lavender oil (a soothing agent). If you’re unsure about any of these ingredients or what they do in their purest form, ask your dermatologist or trusted source!

Next up: how do we use this stuff? Keep an eye out for any harsh chemicals like alcohols or benzoyl peroxide because these can irritate sensitive skin even more than regular cleansers might already do (although if used properly then those shouldn’t be much of an issue anyway). But, as mentioned above, talk to your dermatologist first.

Where to find brands free of harmful ingredients.

Clean beauty may seem like a growing trend, but it’s a way of life many of us have long been in search of or in tune with. The idea of being able to use your facial care, body care, and makeup without worrying about harmful ingredients is worth considering.

There are plenty of skincare brands out there that aren’t just free of harmful ingredients—they’re also cruelty-free!

You can find clean beauty products at drugstores like Walgreens or Walmart. There are many stores on and offline where clean beauty products can be purchased. Amazon, Walmart, and Target are some stores I frequently buy clean face and body care from.

Clean beauty can be a healthier alternative to traditional makeup and skincare.

Clean beauty is a growing trend that’s becoming more and more popular. It’s a way of living that aims to be clean, healthy, and cruelty-free. In other words: no harmful ingredients in the products you buy!

Clean beauty products can be found at your local health food store or online—and they’ll often cost more than traditional makeup or skincare products because they’re free of any harmful chemicals (like parabens). But if you want to embrace this lifestyle without breaking the bank on new clothes every time you go out with friends? Look no further than your nearest Whole Foods Market!


The beauty industry is constantly changing, so it’s important to know what products are safe and effective. Clean beauty has become a popular way to stay healthy and clean your skin without harming your health or the environment. The key is finding brands that use natural ingredients and are cruelty-free. There are also plenty of other things you can do such as using less makeup or only wearing makeup on special occasions; this will save money over time too from purchasing fewer products!

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