The Benefits of Honey with Oatmeal and Cinnamon

oatmeal with honey and cinnamon

So, what are the benefits of eating honey with oatmeal and cinnamon? I’m glad you asked. When I make oatmeal, I always use honey as a sweetener and, most of the time, add cinnamon. Using both of these ingredients in my oatmeal is almost like second nature to me and has been for years, though I don’t make oatmeal frequently.

With that being said, let me share some of the many benefits of adding honey to your cinnamon oatmeal.

Everyone has their own breakfast routine. Regardless of your breakfast choice, we can all agree that starting the day with a nutritious meal is essential.

Adding honey to oatmeal isn’t only delicious but also packed with nutrients. This seemingly simple dish is beneficial for your health in several ways. Keep reading to learn more about the benefits of honey with oatmeal and cinnamon!

Raw Honey Benefits

Before we move forward, I think it’s essential to mention the significance of raw honey. Raw honey is different from honey that is commonly sold in stores. You can usually spot the difference because raw honey will be labeled on the bottle.

But what is raw honey, and what are the benefits of consuming it? Raw honey is simply honey that has been minimally processed and is void of any artificial ingredients. Raw honey retains all of its natural enzymes and micronutrients, unlike regular honey, which is often heated and filtered. Raw honey may help to boost your immune system, fight allergies, and even improve your digestion.

Lower Cholesterol Levels

Honey contains antioxidants that help lower harmful cholesterol levels in the body. Oatmeal is also effective in reducing cholesterol levels. When these two ingredients are combined, they provide an even greater cholesterol-lowering effect.

 Improve Digestion

Honey with oatmeal and cinnamon can also help improve digestion. Oats contain fiber which helps to bulk up stool and improve overall bowel movements. Cinnamon helps to regulate digestion by stimulating gastric juices and promoting peristalsis, which is when food moves through the digestive tract.

oatmeal cinnamon oatmeal

 Boost Energy Levels

Honey with oatmeal and cinnamon is also a great energy booster! Honey is a natural source of sugar that provides a quick burst of energy. Oats are also a good energy source as they contain complex carbohydrates that are slowly released into the bloodstream. Combined, these two ingredients make for an energizing breakfast to help you power through your morning routine.

 Enhance Brain Function

Cinnamon has been shown to improve cognitive function and memory recall. So if you’re looking for a breakfast option to help you stay focused throughout the day, this is it!

Now that you’ve learned a little more about the benefits of adding honey to cinnamon oatmeal, you might want to try my delicious Healthy Honey & Cinnamon Oatmeal.

As you can see, there are many benefits of honey, oatmeal, and cinnamon by themselves. But, together, they work as a nutritional powerhouse.


As you can see, honey with oatmeal and cinnamon is more than just a delicious breakfast option – it’s good for you too! So if you’re looking to start your day off on the right foot, we recommend giving this dish a try. Your body (and taste buds) will thank you!


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